Remember when the bad guys tried to wrap the entirety of Elliot's house in Glad Press-n-Seal in E.T.?

I swear, one little alien and everyone's wearing masks and running fog machines...
That said, our house looked a lot like a 1982 Spielberg flick this weekend:

We were going to invite Drew Barrymore over to do some lines and raise some hell, but we hear she stopped doing that stuff when she turned 11.
All of this taping and plastic means that we are having the floors refinished! The last turn-our-life-upside-down task in the house renovation! In preparation we had to move all our cra,er,stuff once again. Now most of it resides in the middle bedroom

And in the back bedroom, which we sadly had to kick friend /kitchen cleaner/ giant fishtank mover extraordinaire Eric out of as a result. This week Woody's dad and crew come back to B'ton to sand all the nastiness out of the floors in the master bedroom, hallway, living room and dining room. Bare feet! In our own house! Soon!
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