Sunday, August 17, 2008

Behold the power of propane!!!

We got a new, Woody says I have to call it a grill. BBQ, I am told, is a method of cooking over low heat in which smoke penetrates the food. Grilling, says the Guru of Pig, is hot cooking over direct fire (akin to broiling). Both can involve aprons though. And bad puns (i.e., Woody's competitive BBQ nemeses "Silence of the Hams" "Butt Rub" "Butts and Breasts" and "Red White and 'Cue").

Since the grill represents the entirety of cooking appliances "in" our kitchen, we decided to purchase one that had less rust and more burners. Introducing the Char Broil Commercial grill, complete with Consumer Reports seal of approval:

The first meal cooked on the fine Char Broil was New York strip steaks, baked potatoes and a salad with blue cheese (as if that needs to be said).

The results were impressive, I thought a protractor would melt near the grill but Woody used it judiciously. Behold the geometric precision of the grill marks!

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