Friday, July 10, 2009

Let the sock races begin!

The first coat of high gloss went down on the refinished floors today to be followed by a coat of semigloss tomorrow!

I donned a pair of Woody's socks (smoother than my fancy running socks) and tried a slide down the dice. Maybe the second coat will have me gliding from living room to kitchen with nary a snag. Even better, if we polish it extra well maybe Woody and I can treat the hallway like a giant hardwood Slip n Slide. Bellyflopping on pine will probably feel better than the shearing away of tender abdominal skin that resulted from surfing the yellow plastic wave on some gravelly schoolyard lot. Which is the only way I experienced Slip and Slide.

1 comment:

Jeanne E. Grant said...

Dang, that is one gorgeous house you're putting together there!