Friday, December 12, 2008

Padded room

The renovation process has finally unhinged Woody and I. And being that I shrunk our straitjackets at the laundromat last week, we've decided to have all the walls in the house padded. That way when we cannot possibly take another deliciously rare steak off the grill...d'oh! Optimism has gone and ruined my comedic stylings again. I must start thinking that the plastic Solo cups we drink out of are half-empty.

But for reals, I did have a very no-wire-hangers moment when I returned home and saw this:

Shoveling up fallen loose insulation took up most of my spare moments when we had a leaky roof and the ceiling routinely caved in and dumped the stuff out of the attic. I now hate loose insulation. I think Woody saw me quaking with fear/ loathing and kept soothingly saying "But this is the best kind, I swear." I had trouble hearing him as I was rocking back and forth and repeating "Want the pink stuff, thought it would be the pink stuff..."

The insulation has made the upstairs really start looking like a couple of rooms! Maybe using exclamation points will prevent me from breaking out in a cold sweat while posting these pics!

The process of putting in (as opposed to picking up) loose insulation is actually pretty cool. There are yards and yards of gauzy fabric tacked up to the ceiling to support the stuff they are going to blow in today. It makes the whole place look like considerate and anal spiders very deliberately made their way across the rafters. I have considered going Von Trapp on the material and making a nice dress out of it. But if I do this, insulation will fall down...and I don't feel like going into the fetal position again.

The insulation makes the whole place quieter and cozier and means that drywall will go up next!

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