Saturday, August 29, 2009

Fork you!

Remember "Honey I Blew Up the Kids," the fine sequel to "Honey I Shrunk the Kids"?

Apparently there was a big publicity push for this picture. There were several versions of a promo poster. But this one is the best. Because I can hear that kid with his head between his legs saying "Hey Daddy, everything is bigger? How do you feel about me cozying some of my baby parts into your head?" Well, we have the cutlery equivalent of genetically modified children:
Really, why spend wedding money on curtains when you can buy a GIANT fork and spoon! That way we can eat GIANT pasta! We can also carry Maddy around while singing "A spoonful of beagle makes the medicine go down!" (We haven't tried this but now that I write it, I think that beagle is going to be ladled up very soon...) This is soooo much better than wedding china! There was no knife available. Then again I don't know that the drywall could have taken a full set.

1 comment:

Jojo said...

if you don't mind me asking... where did you get that giant fork and spoon... i have been looking to purchase some for my home... and those are awesome... thanks.. Jojo