Friday, January 16, 2009

One thinset floor and one thickset beagle

Madison was peeved when we told her not to lick the mortar being used to set our tiles. We tried reminding her of the scene in "A Christmas Story" when Ralphie licks the pole and gets his tongue stuck...but strangely she didn't seem to recall this. Then again, she also doesn't recall what "Don't lick your butt" means. Go figure.

On this the coldest day in recent memory (16 degrees this morning!), Woody braved the elements and used the wetsaw to start tiling our kitchen. Clever guy that he is, he heated the water he put in it so it was more like a steam facial. (He seems to be disagreeing with this metaphor. But that also may just be him shivering.) He got a ton done today!

Tomorrow will be more setting of tile and Monday will be grouting. Kenneth and crew dropped off the beautiful cabinets Kenneth crafted for us as well. These are some of the base cabinets:

And our impressive fridge surround and more base cabinets:

The only shot of Kenneth and Woody I got today is from their favorite angle for photos:

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