Sunday, February 1, 2009

Pizza pizza

You are witnessing the first instance of (prep) cooking in our new kitchen! We pressed out some pizza dough, plunked the pizza stone on the grill and the lightly spritzed the pies with our secret ingredient...

that's right, Formula 409. It's a serviceable substitute when you've run out of either truffles or mini marshmallows. It took forever for us to eat since Woody also insisted on making sure that each round was perfectly level. When he tried to swirl the olive oil on with his float for spreading grout I drew the line. Our delicious array of toppings, all chopped at normal counter height...amazing...

The only remaining piece of pizza after we horked it all down standing at the peninsula:

Woody said he would finish this piece and yet the next morning there it sat. He eats like a bird, I swear.

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